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Showing posts from July, 2010

Totally Excited

Am so excited my friend S had her baby yesterday. :):):):):) A normal delivery. A beautiful gal.A bitta blood loss. But hey look at what u gained.Yet another Bundle of Joy. After 9 whole months of listening to what the world has to say to a expecting mother you have a soul that will listen to u :)(only till the age of 16 in our times...but now I guess kids have their own mind right from 2) While S was at hospital Achu,M and I were at the same hospital waiting to meet our doc for Achu's 5 yr vaccine!!! I didn't know she was in the labour ward. Maybe God Wanted me to be there at the same place she was....wish I knew she was there...wish I called....Anyways it's a nice feeling to know I was that truly is....:) Anyways S, A and lil Nandu congratulations and tight hugs... PS. God Bless :)

The Three 'Mottai'keteers

Yesterday we met was quick, unplanned and far from being satisfying. What I call a satisfying meet is the meet we had months ago . This one is just a fill up. The main reason behind it was because P , A and I had our heads tonsured and we wanted to personally see how we looked....individually and together. U had come as well to judge how we looked :) I had my mottai first then came P then A. But on analysing we found A's hair had grown faster than the two of us. Next it was about the greys.I had the least ...yipeeee and then there was P and A had the most. My hair is curly so even the little grey I have didn't show. While the other two had straight hair and the greys popped out here and there. Then it was the weight gain. A told me I had reduced considerably. While P refused to accept the fact( yeah! the fact ). After which it was my hands which seemed darker than the rest of my body. It seems my hands look like that of an old lady ( no this is NOT a fact). I thoug...

It jus takes a second...

...for Life to turn topsy turvy :( June brought in too much of news. And today am not the same person I was one month ago. Life isn't complete and peaceful as it used to be. My dear father had a surgery and is still recovering. It pains to see, the strong man who held my hand when I took my first steps,all frail and tired. God is my only way. And I surrender..... PS.In life's hardships you learn and mature....but I would have preferred to have matured in a happier way....maybe I took life too easy...maybe am the one who faltered....sigh.