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Showing posts from January, 2011

Aadukalam for Anniversary

The first anniversary 7 years back was spent at mayajaal. The movie we could watch was " Devathaiyey Kandein" starring Danush and Sreedevi. We didn't have a choice. So on the 7th anniversary we decided to watch a movie starring Danush.This time it was "Aadukalam." How it all started.... The morning began with a few wishes from relatives,cousins and friends frantically wanting to know what we were going to do and what M gave me and I gave him.The calls and messages came ONLY to me because M seemed oblivious until breakfast when I  had to mention the difference between yesterday and today. GOD! Me :I received a lot of condolences today.... M: Huh! for what    Me: For having tied the knot M: Oh! Today-a And then we left to office.... 11.30 am - normal 12.30 pm - normal 1.30pm - very normal 2.00pm - hungry so called M and Acha to leave for lunch Driver left early since he had some work and so M and I drove back home Me: Hey shall we go for a movi...

Aditi Devo Bava

When we have guests/relatives at home its normal work plus Paying the extra bills - Acha's work Organising their appoinments around the city -Acha's work Have to plan the cooking /ordering for the day - Amma's work Set up the rooms - Amma's work Clean , clean and clean - Amma's work So do I enjoy having guests/relatives...sure because amma does all the hard work and I end up taking short breaks from work - The size depends on the workload and funload visiting malls..old and new - the only chance I get to explore them catching a movie or two - the planning happens before they land here. Am a total movie freak...and I love the intervals too chit chatting,gossiping,solving world problem from the couch - My vocal chords never give up or in visiting other relatives known and unknown - refreshments for the mind and tummy shopping with and for them - love it having extra servings of junk food - love it to the power infinity... Strenuous? Absolutely :) The y...

I resolve to....

be a better human be a better daughter be a better mother be a better friend be a better worker be a better student be a better wife In that order...what needs most effort to the one that needs least...'cause am the 'bestest' wife M can have ;b ( Modesty RIP!) Ps. Not getting to the specifics am I?....I will I will....

2010 and 2011

Happy New year fellow bloggers A new year is something we all look forward to To do new things To change routines To grow 2010 - sped past - brought in trouble as Acha fell ill - gave lovely moments with friends and family - did a course on the professional front - made achu boy begin to think like a man with the needed doses of being the lovable child he is - M and I had our share of tiffs and cuddles - Is over and am blessed with the people and things I love around me safe and tight 2011 - I wish to be as happy it started of to be - Health - Happiness - Peace - Less of frowns...No frowns are impossible - More of smiles PS. Specific targets for 2011 will be updated.