I wanted Achu to go to Swingers for a dance workshop but it didn't work out. So he went for another theatre and dance workshop which started 2 week ago and ended with a cute show yesterday. KK was in town for Chinnu's admission. Acha got her into VIT. So am glad we might have more visits from KK for the next 5 years. P,U,C and I met up at my place. It was great. The kids came along so it felt good watching them play together.Our chats were restricted to kid-friendly topics. A you missed it darling and we missed you. MIL is sick. She was in hospital for a couple of days. She is recovering. But at a very slow pace. She will need a physiotherapist for a month or two. Had a little trip planned for next week but it got canceled. Poor Achu will not have a trip this summer to jabber about. Its sure summer but we did have a little thunder storm yesterday night and a sweaty power cut to go with it. The search for the best inverter is on. I optimistically blame my stars for what...
my days...my lines