Other Job Better pay Present Job Get to a 9.30am office at 11.00 am make your own deadlines Browse while you work delegate delegate delegate have a week long vacation and still get paid full talk rot about how awfully managed the 30 year old company is attend every minuscule function at any time of the day/week/month/year never do basic work get transport and transport allowance travel in India and overseas with luxurious stay loads of experience in different areas leave office when you want to AND blackmail half yearly that you would be paid ten times (!!!!!!) the salary in any another company and earn a raise (brilliant!) So what's the deal? PS. I had to write this out. Maybe years later the super ego/ immature will hit enlightenment or may be not.......BTW heard about the guy who drops the "I'll divorce" line every time there's a fight?....Strangely they are different chapters of the same book :)
my days...my lines