- Acha not feeling well after his trip to Kerala. He came back with a bad allergy and is feeling all drained out.
- Amma has a bad cold and coff but still has the routine work of feeding 5 mouths and setting their day for them
- MIL is sick and we don't know what is wrong. Hoping a few tests get things clear and she can get the right medication.
- Achu has a coff and cold . Maybe from Amma. He is enjoying his sick leave.
- At work things are pretty hectic with a few deadlines cleared at the moment.
- Our flat needs to be cleaned up and a million chores pending
- M and I shuttle between check ups, school, office and homes
- A sort of unrest prevails all around
- Its really peaceful to get into bed and dream through the night....in a different world
- M and I still find small reasons to smile about ...but all of a sudden things seem not quite good
- God's presence is felt ...
- Prayers Prayers Prayers
The coming months are filled with work and pleasure trips. January first week - Will be in Delhi on a work assigment. Heard its pretty cold in Delhi. Any suggestins on how to combat the chill are welcomed from the experienced lot. January second week - This week will begin with Grandparents Day at Achu's school. Achu is singing a song :). Then comes the Mom's event which am looking forward to attend. And will see me doing a lot of shopping personally and with M's family for my BIL is getting married early February. I love shopping and this is going to be fun.Might be some inviting work if its not over when we are in Delhi. January third week - Beautification of our flat, Packing stuff, informing the school that Achu will not be coming for a week, Last minute stitching amidst Pongal celebrations which majorly includes watching TV January fourth week - Sending off MIL, FIL and BIL , getting tensed jus for the heck of it :b, Calling up all my friends and informing I w...
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