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I Hate the dentist today like yesterday and tomorrow

Wanted August to end the way I wanted to – Me receiving the ‘Achiever of the Month Award’ for ticking most …all of the to-do items but God thought otherwise…

August ended with this.....  but hey I managed to VISIT THE DENTIST ….yes I did…
  • On the eventful Thursday I fixed an appointment and prayed  they cancelled it or I cancelled it due to the reason of unforeseen fear gripping every single nerve in my system…but both didn’t happen
  • I got into the car instructed my driver ..{ my husband was on my phone (actually my dad’s cell I borrowed since mine had a 0.24ps balance – it still has jus that) giving instruction since I know Chennai roads jus like I knew them when I first came here at 2 ;) }
  • Ok we took the wrong turn….which is the right turn…let’s go back home …my mind shouted in glee…redirected we were at the dentist’s …
  • We reached …God we reached … MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> Had to be there by 5.30pm ….hmmm am there at 5.32pm…impressed?...I am of course cause only I know the fear this heart holds and how late I could have been…(honestly am 4 yrs late though)
  • The receptionist a cute girl gave me a form to fill up…my hands were a bit shaky so I took a few minutes to relax before jotting down my details....she scanned through the form and
She asked: “Madam age correct-a?”
Me: “Ehhh! Yes Correct-dhan”
She: “It seems 10 years older”
Me: “ HeHeHe…No no I am actually that old”
  •  Makes me wonder if this is a gimmick they play with all the tensed to-be patients….infact the whole conversation did cool my head and heart a bit. This one never fails does it.
  • Ok, so they called out my name …yes they did and I saw gals with the best teeth ever all over the place …the docs, the attendants, the pics on the wall….everybody had good teeth …then why was I in bad luck?
  • Eeks the chair I hate …My doc looked into my mouth and almost fainted....It seems I needed THE works ( Btw my  senior dentist told me I don't look as old as my numeric age...ta-da so its the take off line  of the season I guess...baah so much for momentary bliss...infact was wondering why he didn't mention  my teeth  looked 3 times my age)….If I was to explain all what my dentist told me I would need to write a book…..... but for the crux of it take a peek
    On 27.08.2009 I bravely went to the place I didn’t want to go….though there are more painful meetings with the dentist in the near future I am truly proud I took the first step towards self –improvement :D ( grinning  with advanced therapy clean teeth et al )


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